Nantes Demo

This scenario was developped in the FLEXIBI project and covers the greenhouses in the vacinity of Nantes, France. The Rediues of the greenhouses are considered for utilisation in a small-scale biorefinery.

Region: Nantes

Catchment: Nantes


The results are ready!

Total annual production per feedstock
Seasonal distribution of feedstocks
Results by inventory
Feedstock: Tomato Greenhouse Residues Nantes 2019 - Dataset: Nantes Greenhouses - Algorithm: Nantes greenhouse yield
Number of considered greenhouses: 96 - Total growth area: 118 ha - Total production: 13041 Mg/a -
Feedstock: Cucumber Greenhouse Residue Sample Series - Dataset: Nantes Greenhouses - Algorithm: Nantes greenhouse yield
Number of considered greenhouses: 37 - Total growth area: 54 ha - Total production: 6324 Mg/a -